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Past Projects

Jubilee Sports Centre Arena Revitalization Project

In 2021, the Town of Rosthern was approved for funding from the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Community, Culture and Recreation Steam to complete the Jubilee Sports Centre Arena Revitalization Project.

This funding has given us the opportunity to complete major capital upgrades including: 

  1. Demolition & replacement of the arena floor as well as the original floor below
  2. Replacement of the arena boards
  3. Replacement of the exhaust fans 
  4. Rehabilitation and replacement of the skating rink roof system

The full project will cost 1.48 million with the funding contributions broken down as follows:

  1. Federal - $593,170
  2. Provincial - $494,259
  3. Municipal - $395,496

The project will be split into two components: the arena floor replacement commencing in the summer of 2021 and the skating rink roof replacement scheduled for the spring of 2022.  

This project will without a doubt revitalize the Jubilee Sports Centre and secure its longevity so that it can provide recreation opportunities for our community and surrounding area for years to come! 

Here are a few photos of the project: