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Current Projects

Water Supply and Treatment Plant Upgrades

Updates posted below

We are very pleased to announce that the Town of Rosthern has been approved for funding from the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - Green Infrastructure to complete the Water Supply and Treatment Plant Upgrades! 

This funding has given us the opportunity to complete major capital upgrades including: 

  • Construct five new water wells
  • New Water Treatment Plant with larger water reservoir
  • Install new raw water supply lines
  • Integrate a new communications system
  • Upgrade existing well control buildings
  • Demolition of the old Water Treatment Plant and reservoir

The full project will cost $19.6 million with the funding contributions broken down as follows:

  • Federal - $7,843,152
  • Provincial - $6,535,306
  • Municipal - $5,229,422

This project will without a doubt revitalize our aging water infrastructure and secure its longevity so that it can accommodate current demand, future growth, and new servicing requirements which are presenting daily! 

Keep watch for updates as the project processes

March 14, 2025


Effective Monday, March 17, 2025 until further notice (Projected Timeline: Approximately 14 months)

Staging of heavy equipment and materials for the upcoming Water Supply and Treatment Plant Upgrade Project, will begin on Monday, March 17. Portions of the Walking Trail to the East/Southeast corner of the Reservoir will be closed to allow for construction access and storage. Barricades and trail closure signage will be placed at trail access points, and temporary fencing for the construction site will be installed. Please avoid the closed sections of the trail and obey all signage. The closures are there for the safety of the public and the contractors. Thank you for your patience and cooperation as this essential project gets underway!